Online Marketing Secrets – Secret #27 - Pre-verkoop

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing geheime nommer 27:

Preselling werke.

Wat is beter as om 'n verkope brief wat vat baie goed? Nadat die kliënt verkoop voordat hulle selfs tot die verkope brief.

Dit het aan jou gebeur het voor op 'n sekere punt. Jou gunsteling aktrise gaan wees in 'n nuwe fliek. Jy is mal oor wat die aktrise en jy het nie regtig omgee wat die film is oor, want as sy is in dit, you know it will be a good film as far as you’re concerned.Online Marketing Secret #27 – Preselling

The same mental process comes across with preselling. You learn about something new, or get ideas about how someone could use a certain product from an article.

By the time you get to the site, your only concern iscan I afford this.You skim the sales letter for the price and purchase.

The person is sold because they were informed, excited, and pre-qualified or targeted before they ever get to the sales page.

You can pre-sell in:

  • a content site that leads to your mini-site
  • in your ezine
  • in an article you write
  • at a seminar where you give a speech or demo
  • within your blog posts

What’s most important for you to know is that selling before the sale worksdo it everywhere you can.





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