Online Marketing Secrets – Tajna #26 - Virusni marketing

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing Secret broj 26:

Učinite vaše poslovanje raste sama od sebe – evo kako.

Učinite sve o vašem poslovanju kao virusni što je više moguće. Većina ljudi ograničiti to marketinga, i to je sigurno važan aspekt.

What is viral marketing? Jednostavno rečeno, it’s any type of marketing that you get started that keeps growing. Slično kao i gura kamen niz brdo, Nakon što ste dobili to valjanje, it keeps going on its own.

Online Marketing Secret #26 - Virusni marketing

Don’t stop with marketing, though. You want viral salesmake a product that creates a desire for even better results.

You want to make your money viraldon’t just spend your profit, put it where it’s going to create more money for your business.

Get the most results you can out of any singular process.





2 Komentari

  1. crystal kaže:

    GREAT adviceI will definitely strive to get high quality targeted traffic so I have better odds

  2. Ewen tim za podršku kaže:

    @Crystal glad you found our content useful. Sve najbolje!

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