Jednostavna formula za uspjeh Online!

EwenChiaPhotoNadam se da su svi veliki događaj, dobio cool videa dijeliti danas!

Ako vam se sviđa, Ja ću biti dijeljenja videa više sadržaja kao što je to s vama.

Molimo vas, a comment!

HINT: I reveal a hot tip somewhere in the video to make money with Clickbank and Facebook almost instantly.

The Simple Formula For Online Success!”

Right Click To Download Video

Take care my friends,





33 Komentari

  1. JAR kaže:


  2. JAR kaže:

    Excite a schadenfreude and watch it slobber

  3. Wayne Olson kaže:

    Over all the rest Ewen, you seemed to be the most genuine and with all the common sense. I’m only a beginner using Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.o, but I can already see my way clear.



  4. tomsreviewsblog kaže:

    Ewen, thank you for the video on P,P,P with the Clickbank and Facebook tips. Since 95% of internet marketers are not making much money online and are sick of reading about the 3-5% of marketers that are making hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars, you are very wise to focus on trying to help the struggling marketers, because there are tons more of them than there are those that are making it, and it is stunning how few gurus that grasp this basic fact.

  5. Ewen kaže:

    Thanks for the great comments, I’m glad the video resonated with many of you!


  6. kaže:

    Nice vid. It would be much easier for you to write by standing on the other side of the flip chart. You will find that your handwritting will improve automatically!

  7. Ewen kaže:

    Hmm true 🙂

  8. Paul Teague kaže:

    Hi Ewen, great to find your blog and there’s some great information on here.

    I love the way that you’re integrating social media in your marketing now, I’m picking up lots of great tips 🙂

    Looking forward to checking in here regularly, all the best, Paul

  9. christopher kaže:

    hi ewen,am one of your admirer,am residing in Nigeria and i would love to have an ebook copy of your how i made my first million on the internet and how you too can !please let me know the payment platform suitable for my country

  10. Luu Chi Cuong kaže:

    Oh, that’s really sweety music on your page

  11. Kingsley - kaže:

    Very well said, Ewen. If only other “gurui” spent more time giving such completely free informational videos once in a while like you have just done, rather than only pitching one offer or the other most of the time, we will surely all be the better for it, 🙂


    Kingsley –
    Becoming The Best Article Distribution Service!

  12. blessing onyiri kaže:

    Everything about the blog is okay, well written in a simple English and easy to comprehend.I enjoy the message.

  13. Tony L. kaže:

    Hi Ewen, just want to say that you are the man and one of my original inspirations to get into internet marketing. I have discovered many internet marketers since then, but you and a few others remain the cream of the crop in my book. The others would be Eric Holmlund of You seem to have some things in common with him and maybe also Chris Rempel, of fame. For the most advanced online marketing system available I would have to say Tom Prendergast and his team at

    You guys seem to be able to cut out most of the crap, excuse my french, and go to what matters most in internet marketing and life for that matter. You have a way of making things seem simple (even if maybe they’re not so simple) by getting busy with the essentials and focusing on what needs to get done. Too many people get caught up in trying to know alot of stuff before getting started and then just get distracted with this and that and get delayed or side tracked in the process.

    Your little ‘You can be an entrepreneur!’ and ‘What have you done this week?’ articles are also very inspiring and put it in a nutshell. I bet alot of those people that you used to work with in the office are probably wishing they had pursued their dreams and followed in your steps but didn’t take advantage of some opportunity or just did not want to work too hard, another admiral quality that you share with those other guys I mentioned.

    Ok, thanks again for all the inspiration to move forward and pursue my dreams!


  14. Yew Heng kaže:

    Ewen, you are the guy who can look into the simplicity of things and turn complicated concept into usable stuff that we can understand and apply immediately to make money instantly.

    Kudos to you.

    Yew Heng

  15. Edward Larry kaže:

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  16. Sorvey kaže:

    I need 2 b a member

  17. Simon Lau kaže:

    Great! Focus on 3Ps. People, Product and Promotion. I learn lots from there. U svakom slučaju, suddenly come up in my mind. If there another P should be great. Problem. Have people, know the problem they facing, promote the product that can solve their problem. =p

  18. yalong kaže:


  19. paola martinelli kaže:

    I apologize if my English is not perfect but my native language is Italian. I just would like to thank you for the bottom of my heart for the great job you are doing not just making money but helping others people as well.I am following your advice and i have a lot to learn. I like your products and when I have the financial possibility I buy it.The principal reason I am your subscriber and i follow you it is because I trust you and you are very sincere person. I really appreciate everything you do because you do it with honesty. Hvala!! Sincerely. Paola

  20. YC kaže:

    Hi Ewen, can you please look into the autopilotinternetincome student hosting accountsI am hosted there but the servers do not seem to be up and can’t contact your support guys either. hvala. my email included with the comment, pls contact me thanks.

  21. YC kaže:

    Ewen, pls look into the autopilotinternetincome student hosting accounts. no reply from support. sites have been down for days. pls deliver on the service committed. hvala.

  22. micchael kaže:

    ewen, nice video ,it is easy to follow up
    for details

  23. roman kaže:

    Hola amigo ewen,

    Mi nombre es roman

    soy de mexico

    y llevo casi dos años buscando como ganar un poco de dinero en internet, mi problema pienso que se debe a que no tengo computadora en mi casa.
    No tengo computadora debido a que no he podido comprarme una, por que el salario que gano es muy poco.
    Todo lo realizo desde un ciber, me suscribo a boletines de informacion para ganar dinero, y la mejor forma para ganar dinero, pude darme cuenta que es vendiendo ebooks digitales por clickbank.
    Pero es dificil que alguien te compre un libro.
    yo creo que sí necesito una computadora para poder invertir tiempo en ella, ya que en el ciber le dedico 2 o 3 horas al dias solamente.
    buscando informacion pude ver que eres el numero 1 en ventas como afiliado
    motivo por el cual me inscribi para recibir tus boletines.
    Espero me puedas ayudar con algunos de tus magnificos secretos que has de tener para que yo pueda vender, y poder comprarme una computadora.

    Gracias amigo Ewen.

    Hasta pronto

    disculpame por no saber ingles

    mi email es:

  24. roman kaže:

    Hola amigo ewen,

    Mi nombre es roman

    soy de mexico

    y llevo casi dos años buscando como ganar un poco de dinero en internet, mi problema pienso que se debe a que no tengo computadora en mi casa.
    No tengo computadora debido a que no he podido comprarme una, por que el salario que gano es muy poco.
    Todo lo realizo desde un ciber, me suscribo a boletines de informacion para ganar dinero, y la mejor forma para ganar dinero, pude darme cuenta que es vendiendo ebooks digitales por clickbank.
    Pero es dificil que alguien te compre un libro.
    yo creo que sí necesito una computadora para poder invertir tiempo en ella, ya que en el ciber le dedico 2 o 3 horas al dias solamente.
    buscando informacion pude ver que eres el numero 1 en ventas como afiliado
    motivo por el cual me inscribi para recibir tus boletines.
    Espero me puedas ayudar con algunos de tus magnificos trucos que has de tener para que yo pueda vender, y poder comprarme una computadora.

    Muchas Gracias amigo Ewen.

    Hasta pronto

    disculpame por no saber ingles

    mi email es:

  25. Felix Albutra kaže:

    Hi Ewen,

    Would you mind to also please share how you do your keyword research?

    I want to know what kind ofmatch typeyou choose using the free google keyword tool.

    Thanks in advance


  26. ayomide kaže:

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  27. Salau Adebayo kaže:

    Im a newbie.But im gainning a very great lesson from your newbie cash machine.You are wonderful teacher.Pls.Send me your newsletter weekly.Bye

  28. Raief kaže:

    Nice short video. You might have also included that ClickBank has a blog that teaches all of the simple and rudimentary ways to market and choose products to market.
    You can remove the link if you want to.

  29. Michael kaže:

    Hi Ewen, I’m just diving into the IM scene and very happy to come across this video. Thank you for your instruction and tips on small, yet concentrated focus.

  30. Sunganani kaže:

    You beat me to that videoat least the concept!

    Thanks for that facebook tip.

  31. sam kaže:


    Nice useful tips and information.I have been looking for gurus to get some ideas to earn online. Thanks for all your guidance.

  32. Lena kaže:

    I’m glad that I found this tutorial! I just bought your book, “how I made first million on the internet”. I wish you I had this information before I paid $10k for a ecommerce coaching program in May 2010! I have a question, I have a website up and running, do I need a seperate website if I want to promote products on clickbank?

    Thanks Ewen

  33. Moses kaže:

    Hi Ewen, I just found out about your blog while surffing the internet. I’m very, very interested in online business. I have a passion for it but do not know how and where to start. I hear internet marketing is pretty good, thus, I would like you to help me get a head way.

    Thanks in advance,

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