Online Marketing Secrets – Tajomstvo #11 - Nájsť Hungry

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing Secret Number Eleven:

Nájdite Hungry a kŕmiť ich.

Internet je obrovská púšť s niekoľkými zalievanie dier. Všetci sa chúlila okolo týchto zalievanie dier. V púšti, ľudia budú platiť piť. Oni urobia čokoľvek, aby to, čo sa domnievajú, že je málo.

Anywhere na tomto virtuálnom svete, skutočný “jedlo” je tiež málo. Keď ľudia nájsť tieto potraviny, nemôžu si pomôcť, ale jesť. Sú hladní. And when they’ve eaten their full, they tend to tell all their friends.

There’s nothing better than having satisfied clients market for you when it comes to marketing.

The issue then, is finding these hungry people, and feeding themnot just anything, but what they most want to eat.

Online Marketing Secret #11 - Nájsť HungryThe relevance of this to internet marketing is that everyone thinks that internet marketing is the best place to find and sell to a market. In some ways, this is true, but let me ask you this.

If you had the choice between being the only grocery store in town, or being one of hundreds of food sellers on the same block, which would you pick?

You know that people have to have food, no matter what. So of course, if you’re smart, you’d want the exclusive market. Especially if you don’t have the resources to pay to get better clients, or a better position, or the networking to partner up with a person who already has the market you’d like to sell to.

So do your research and find a corner of the webeven if it is a corner inside internet marketingwhere there are hungry people. then feed them. Just be sure that the market actually exists and will sustain you, or you’ll forever be on the search for new markets.

The hungry must eat. Be the only one who sells their food.





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