Online Marketing Secrets – Tajomstvo #2 – Dobrý Marketing vs dobrý produkt

EwenChiaPhoto Online Marketing Secret Number Two je:

Marketingové záležitosti čo najviac, niekedy aj viac, než kvalita produktu.

Svojim spôsobom je to smutné, ale pravdivé.

To je hlavný dôvod, prečo niektorí ľudia sú schopní sa dostať preč s predajom v poriadku produktov a zarobil imanie, zatiaľ čo iní nemôžu Zdá sa, že peniaze, aj pri najväčšej riešením na svete na problém.ONLINE MARKETING SECRETS #2 – GOOD MARKETING VS  GOOD PRODUCT

If you create something people want but don’t necessarily need, do great marketing, and have a fantastic sales letter, you’ll make more than if you created something of great value that has a lukewarm debut and an okay sales letter.

But make an incredible product that people are desperate for, do the best marketing job you can, and back it up with great copy, you can make a fortune.

Studies about online marketing dating back to 2001 support this theory:

People rationalize buying decisions based on facts, but people make buying decisions based on feelings.

That’s it in a nutshell. Appeal to both the brain and the emotions.





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