Online Marketing Secrets – Tajomstvo #9 - Vedieť, aké tajomstvo Potom do hrobu!

EwenChiaPhoto Online Marketing Secret Number Nine:

Know Which Secrets to Take To Your Grave!

To neznamená, že by ste mali hromadiť všetky svoje vedomosti, ako ste žiarlivý manžel.

Avšak, rovnako ako značky Coca-Cola drží tajomstvo svojho receptu, takže by ste mali zhodnotiť, aké sú vaše špeciálne recept, a udržať ju pod pokrievkou.Online Marketing Secrets - Tajomstvo #9 - Vedieť, aké tajomstvo Potom do hrobu!

Tam je niečo o vašej firme, aj keď vaša spoločnosť je len vy – that distinguishes you from everyone else. Sometimes it’s not about a secret sauce, programming secret, or configuration.

It might just be a particular way to performing a service, the kind of results you can get that no one else can deliver, or a way of finding ebook topics that sell, in other words, the ingredients to your brand.

To figure out what this is for you, make a list of what you know how to do, or do differently, that no one else can figure out, or has been copied unsuccessfully. Those things make up your brand. And your brand, as well as your brand secrets, are sacred.

Guard them with your life.





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