Online Marketing Secrets – Secret #25 - Outsource og automatisere

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing Secret Number 25:

Outsource og automatisere for højere overskud.

En klog mand sagde engang, at der er ingen mening i at være rig, hvis du stadig nødt til at arbejde hele tiden. Du kan, selvfølgelig, forventer at blive optaget som en af ​​internettets tjener mest, men dette bør ikke være fordi du ikke har andet valg.

Automating your business will free you up to be able to do other things, like marketing, and help you concentrate your time on other activities that produce higher profits than, for example, reading your email. Online Marketing Secret #25 - Outsource og automatisere

If you can hire someone to do a task for you that can do it better, faster, or has more time on their hands, don’t shy away from outsourcing. If that means hiring an executive assistant, do it.

If that means hiring a college student to do your article marketing, that’s fine. And if you need to hire a programmer to write the code for your software project, well better them than you.

The more time you can find to spend on what makes you the most money, the faster you can increase your income.





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