무엇 당신은 이번 주 했나?

EwenChia 사진나는 십대 때부터 많은 자기 계발 책을 읽었습니다 (얼마 전!) 그리고 그들 대부분의 공통점은…

당신의 목표를 적어!

마음을 움직이는 간단한 작업이지만 99% 우리는 하지마.

글쎄 나도 안해. 그래도 자주 부족해.

새해 결심에 대해 이야기하지 말자 lol.

생성에 대해 들어보셨나요? “라이프 리스트”?

예를 들면, 10 지상에서의 시간이 다하기 전에 하고 싶은 일.

대부분의 사람들이 자신이 원하는 것이 무엇인지조차 모를 때 참으로 큰 목표입니다.. 생각해봐.

“원하는 바를 이룰 수 없다 – 원하는 것이 무엇인지조차 모를 때.”

그건 그렇고 내가 만든 작은 인용문. 그것이 의미가 있기를 바랍니다.

목표를 자주 쓰지는 않지만, 매주 의미 있는 일을 하는 것이 중요한 것 같아요.

우리의 삶을 풍요롭게 하고 우리의 마음에 위대한 경험으로 추억을 심어주는 것들.

그것은 작은 것일 수도 있고 큰 것일 수도 있습니다, 중요하지 않다.

이번 주에 무엇을 했습니까??

건망증이 많은 사람이라 기억이 잘 안난다, 그러나 어떤 일들은 완료했을 때 그것에 기인한 느낌과 경험 때문에 쉽게 기억할 수 있습니다..

훌륭한 영화를 보는 것과 같은 간단한 일일 수 있습니다., 뭔가를 하거나 “비정상적인” 평소에 하는 것보다.

예를 들면, 나는 여행을 자주 하고 비행기에서 영화를 거의 보지 않는다. 컴퓨터를 하기 때문이다.. 나는 기억한다 3 내가 보기로 결정한 몇 달 전 3 movies in a row though. Really enjoyed Wolverine too. Brings out the animal in me 😉

Just yesterday, I caught Shrek Forever After in 3D and it was GREAT. Really nice kids movie that made me feel young and happy again.

In fact I did a lot of things this week I can easily remember

I launched this new blog, worked on a major business plan, spoke at length with my lawyer, bought a new car! (no, the events are not related to each other)

Here’s the car, it’s a Mercedes M Class:

Mercedes Mclass

Cars in Singapore are crazily expensive because of taxes etc. and I paid over S$250,000 for it. But it’s worth it because of the EXPERIENCE now and in the future.

I don’t profess to be a Mercedes fan but I’ve still got my other Eclass coupe which is simply AMAZING

Mercedes Eclass Coupe

I’m sharing this with you to hopefully inspire 당신.

I’m an ordinary guy who got a start on the internet and became successful because I KNEW, WANTED and TASTED success even before I succeeded.

That’s the keyit’s about wanting it bad enough.

Some people call it the


Do YOU have that?

You must have it to succeed in ANYTHINGlife, business, relationships.

The starting point?


Nothing happens overnight but it will happen if you want it to.

Nothing ventured, nothing gain.

Stick to your guns.





59 댓글

  1. Robert Robdog Littlefield 말한다:

    안녕하세요 에원,hows it going Ive been hunting for your first book.I had 2 of them and for somereason they said the order was good and then i was told it wasnt available .how you made your first million!! Ya got a copy laying around lol!!!

  2. Eug 말한다:

    안녕하세요 에원

    I’m a fellow internet marketer from Singapore myself. I previously wrote to you once once you had the book launch. Not sure if you remember.

    Writing goals is something very important and yet most people tend to shrug it off.

    Here is how powerful it is:

    When I was 22 years old, I wrote down a few goals beside my desktop computer

    To make a million dollars in net income from the internet before 30. ( it is a crazy goal but at that time, I had no idea why I wrote it down)

    But…결국, I completed the goal within the next 4 years at the age of 26. I was struggling to get started with I.M for many many years prior to that BEFORE I wrote my goal down.

    I fulfilled many of my dreams with dedicated focus and never-ending desire to achieve the goal I’ve written down. 사실로, I looked at the goals I’ve written every single day before I work.

    It has helped me pay off a 5 series BMW with cash and fully-paid a 1.2 million condominium unit in bukit timah and I’m only 28 this year.

    I say this to inspire, not to brag and to prove the power of goals and visualization.

  3. Akpan Jeremiah 말한다:

    A single0wopd to discribe this ‘wow!.’

  4. Akpan Jeremiah 말한다:

    A single word to discribe this is post’wow!.’

  5. Heidi 말한다:

    Thanks Ewen! I really needed to be reminded of these things. I’ve always been a dreamer but stubborn as an ox. I have recently walked away from everything that was preventing me from making my dreams come true. It’s scary but so exciting as well. You are an inspiration to those who are in my position right now. Thanks again!

  6. Olive 말한다:

    Trying to achieve those goals myself.
    Have some of your products but never know how to get help when I have a problem with any of them. How do I reach your support group?

  7. Barbara Erickson 말한다:

    안녕하세요 에원,
    I have been in touch with you for about 7 years now.
    I too have a hard time beinglaser-focused”. I started out with SU a few years back, and was under you in SFI when I set up my PIPS site. Gosh, that seems so long ago now.
    어떻게해서든지, I never did learn how to market SFI or the PIPS site. I have moved on. Currently with the GVO Conference launch. Been online learning how to do stuff and takingstabs in the darkfor two and a half weeks now. Please contact me. I would really value you as a friend.

  8. Rich Son 말한다:

    안녕하세요 에원,
    I grateful for meeting somebody like you. You always don’t hide anything away from people. Thanks for this motivation.

    Rich Son

  9. susan 말한다:

    i am very dissapointed in the way you do not honor your committments when you tell people you will refund their money and then do not. I have been sending emails to you and you have not made any attempt to replace my money all of this was done in a timely manner how do you treat people like this. I was in a business for 30 years and never treated people like that. I thought you were one of the better marketers that could be trusted. 믿음이 없으면 이 세상에서 아무것도 할 수 없습니다.. 나는 확실히 당신이 이것을 돌보고 마땅히 해야 할 일을 바로잡을 수 있는 품위를 갖기를 바랍니다..

회신을 남겨주세요

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