5월 아카이브 2010

사랑? 무엇?

Have you ever fallen in love or feel like you can’t live without someone? I’m sure you have. Everyone falls in love. 그런데, I do believe there’s a difference between falling IN love and falling INTO love. Here’s my take (legal disclaimer: I’m not a love expert): When you fall in love, it’s a stronger than life feeling towards a person or thing. When you fall into love, […]


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무엇 당신은 이번 주 했나?

나는 십대 때부터 많은 자기 계발 책을 읽었습니다 (얼마 전!) 그리고 그들 대부분의 공통점은… 당신의 목표를 적어! 마음을 움직이는 간단한 작업이지만 99% 우리는 하지마. 글쎄 나도 안해. 그래도 자주 부족해. 새해 결심에 대해 이야기하지 말자 lol. 생성에 대해 들어보셨나요? “라이프 리스트”? 예를 들면, […]


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당신은 기업가가 될 수!

I do believe everyone would like to become an entrepreneur and be their own boss, this is the way we’ve been socialized since young. The seed was planted a long time ago. Working in a 9-5 job isn’t bad, I was holding positions in various multi-national companies for 8 years before coming out on my own. I do enjoy the office environment and have made many friends. Nothing beats having the company of good colleagues, lunches […]


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