Posts tagged ‘secrets

Online Secretele de marketing – Secret #9 - Știu care secretele pentru a lua în mormânt!

Online Marketing Secret Number Nine: Know Which Secrets to Take To Your Grave! This isn’t to say that you should hoard all your knowledge like you’re a jealous spouse. Totuși, just as the Coca-Cola brand keeps the secret of their recipe, so should you evaluate what your special recipe is, and keep it under wraps. There is something about your company, even if your company is just youthat […]


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Online Secretele de marketing – Secret #8 - Aflați care secretele de a vinde

Online Marketing Secret Number Eight: Learn Which Secrets to Sell. How do you know when you ought to package a secret as an entry-level product or even as a backend? When the secret is highly effective, unique, or different enough from how everyone else does it to be brandable as your own. As an example, there’s got to hundreds of ebooks on the market about RSS and Blogging. Și totuși,, […]


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Online Secretele de marketing – Secret #7 - Aflați care secretele să aflăm

Online Marketing Secret #7 - Aflați care secretele să aflăm

Online Marketing Secret Number Seven: Learn Which Secrets to Tell. The business of selling info-products is all about giving people who are hungry for information exactly what they want. The trick is: Knowing when to circulate a secret (as a freebie or introduction product) and how to get it to the most people in the least amount of time, Knowing which secret to sell (as a mid-level product or as […]


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