ผมยังไม่ได้รับการเขียนสำหรับสักครู่เพราะผมได้พยายามที่จะพบตัวเอง. พยายามที่จะมีชีวิตที่มีจุดมุ่งหมายที่ฉันต้องการอาจเป็นเรื่องยากในบางครั้ง.
There’re so many things that I want to do but there are limitations as well. Sometimes I wish I could fly away but we’ve responsibilities to other people besides ourselves, for example, family.
I know I may not be making sense because I’m in a pretty pensive mood.
อย่างไรก็ตาม, within our limitations and with what we currently have now, count your blessings and give thanks.
Cherish whatever we have and live with purpose and passion.
Many of us work our lives off, trying to make a living. ความจริงก็คือ, life is more than money and money will never be enough.
Wealth and happiness comes to those with the correct mindset. The correct mindset will attract what we secretly desire.
I believe I’ve mentioned this before, we need to know what we want to attract it.
Obviously we can also attract negative things and that starts from thinking of the negative, which we tend to do naturally.
So we must be consciously positive at all times, even in the face of problems.
Look at it this way, we’ll always have problems and they will never go away, so make the best of it!
I know it’s easier than it sounds. Trust me, I know.
One way I’ve found to be positive is to give myself some space and care. ความหมาย, thinking of myself for once.
I do that by pursuing what I love aggressively and with a goal. Be it a person, topic or simply a hobby.
Many of you know I love music. It heals the soul and connects people from all walks of life and nationalities.
If there’s ONE thing that brings the world together, it’s music.
Music has been with me since I was young. In fact in my younger days, I used it to escape to imaginary faraway places.
Listening to all types of songs and closing my eyes helps to relieve the realities of the real world, even for a moment. It’s re-energizing.
Music is often positive in nature so I believe it’s one of the best ways to cultivate a positive mentality!
While I was growing up, I was a quiet, introverted, romantic and extremely dreamy person. No one really knows my true feelings, including myself.
The good part was, I’m also always an action taker.
I needed a way to express my emotions and took to music. Unfortunately I never had the chance, environment or money to learn it correctly while I was growing up. I’ve always envied kids who could learn music. I had to teach myself, which didn’t help.
Since I’ve more time now, I’ve decided to pursue the love of creating music which I’ve stopped for 10 years since discovering the internet.
I’ve even started professional music training and bought myself a grand piano just to prove the point!
And for the first time since I was 27 years old, I wrote a new song…it’s a love song.
I will probably release this soon and hope to get good comments from you guys.
…Stay tuned!
We all have our own dreams and aspirations. I encourage you to strive for your dreams just like I’m doing. We only have one life.
Songwriting and being a professional performer is one of mine, since I was young.
One day I’ll even record a music video and maybe turn into a Youtube star 🙂
Because secretly in my heart, I want to be a rockstar!
Hi Diane, thanks for your kind words. It means a lot to me. I’m glad my article helps in every little way it can!
Hi อีเวน, great blog site and the music is beautiful – makes me dream of better times ahead. And some of these comments are exactly on point, you ARE A ROCKSTAR! ดี, at least you ROCK in my book. And if you need any lyrics to songs, send me some tracks and I’ll write some lyrics for you to sing! ยังไงก็ตาม, I am new to your trainings and am an affiliate as well, so I am really hoping I can learn the proper way to prosper financially utilizing your lessons. I recently lost my full time job of $50K per year and have applied for others with no luck. I have been dabbling in internet marketing for a while but have yet to make a single cent. Any advice you can give to get me off to a REALLY FAST start would be most appreciated! Thanks for all that you are and all that you do to make the world a better place. Don’t give up on your dreams, ever!
Danielle Foster
Hi Ewen-great that you have a grand piano to work out on and when I visit in Singapore.Ihave not been able to have my geriatic puter play your sons. The Lyrics look very touching-from the heart.Some things.
I have been a music teacher for some years(was a working musician-but teaching I loved).So I am now playing flamenco guitar and classical-guitar was my first instrument-I was so lucky-my mother ws a very gifted pianist and taught. I have been influenced by jazz records-you can check out Keith Richard ‘The
Night,the melody-and you’. Also his Koln Concert
and-well if you google Keith Jarret-there are some
You Tubes that will move you very much.
As to vocals-is important to develop confidence
–if you think of your vocal apparatus being driven
by the breath–you may breath yoga or tai chi..and
then just allowing,never forcing the syllables to
just ride on the breath..AHHH you see? Lay…You…
yaa… then breath..With the piano,you can know all
the chords,and how to have those beautiful jazz chords on the instrument. You really need to spend
an hour each morning on this love of music..it is
so healing,for the world everywhere cries for help.
It was quite amazing you posted to me.We will exchange much that is important..especially songwriting-they take time..poems and fiction need time writing takes a while,I think. Leonard Cohen sai
it took him a year for twelve songs.So you see?
Many vitues in patience. I feel so happy for you
Ewen-and I can easily help you-you only have to post to me.All the very best, Wilton.