ความลับการตลาดออนไลน์ – ลับ #8 - เรียนรู้ลับซึ่งการขาย

EwenChiaPhoto Online Marketing Secret Number Eight:

Learn Which Secrets to Sell.

How do you know when you ought to package a secret as an entry-level product or even as a backend?

When the secret is highly effective, unique, or different enough from how everyone else does it to be brandable as your own.

As an example, there’s got to hundreds of ebooks on the market about RSS and Blogging. And yet, they continue to sell. If you want to set yourself apart from the competition, say something different about blogging and RSS.ความลับการตลาดออนไลน์ - ลับ #8 - เรียนรู้ลับซึ่งการขาย

Or say the same thing, but better. Or make it easier to understand. Or show how it can be changed to make more money. Give more detail. Illustrate a faster way.

Add your own special twist, with enough detail to make it the best resource of its kind.

Just don’t put TOO much detail in it, because a huge resource can be daunting. If you have more than 100 pages, or five videos, or ten audios, you’re probably looking at a back end product. Split the introduction part out as the front-end, and sell the rest to your confirmed client list as an upgrade.

When is a secret too good to sell? That’s the next secret up for discussion.






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