網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #18 - 市場, 市場, 市場!

Ewen Chia照片 網絡營銷的秘密十八號:

The most successful marketers are always marketing.

最富有的營銷網絡是誰把市場營銷的任務高於一切. 今天,它可能會增加一個新的電子郵件,他們的自動應答機系列.在線營銷秘訣 #18  - 市場, Market, 市場!

明天可能會參加一個研討會是使他們在新的前景正面. 有時候,這是一個積極的每月廣告.

Many days it will involve upselling their current client list. Or it may be sending out a new press release for mass distribution.

The most successful marketers may not have every email in their inbox answered the same day, and their web site may not have been updated for a month, maybe longer.

But you can bet, every day, that they have two things in mindgetting more clients, and getting current clients to buy again.

One exercise you may find useful is to evaluate what you did today for your business, put the marketing activities at the top of the list, and conduct your business with that changed list tomorrow.

No one gets everything on their to-do list done every day. So for maximum profitability, put your marketing at the top of that list.







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