網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #19 - 社會證明

Ewen Chia照片 網絡營銷秘密十九號:


在這裡一前一後, 我就給大家介紹一下使用見證一個非常鮮為人知的秘密營銷.

這裡有一個提示: 如果你想知道為什麼工作的褒獎, 研究社會證明.

“社會證明是一種心理現象,即人們看到其他人的行為以一定的方式, and therefore assume that that behavior is an appropriate mode of behavior; or when they see people they esteem approve of something, they themselves will approve of it.

Why does social proof work so well?在線營銷秘訣 #19  - 社會證明

Firstly, it’s because we’re conditioned to accept it. Think of celebrity endorsements. But if you think that’s all there is to it, and you’re tempted to fake your testimonials, you’re in for a rude awakeningto understand why, look to the other reasons that social proof works.

Reason two: we want what the people we look up to have, and we slowly learn that if we do what they do, we’ll have what they have. Third, we mentally hold the experts we trust responsible for the recommendations they make to usand they know this!

Particularly online, smart experts are no longer willing to toy with their reputations to make a fast buck. They rely on repeat business, which will tank if they suggest the wrong thing to their audienceseven if they mean well.

Use the leverage of social proof to sell an affiliate product, or one of your own.






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