網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #3 - 重複什麼工作

EwenChia照片 網路行銷秘訣之三:


回頭客, 重複訂閱付款, 重複銷售, 回頭客… 重複那個合資企業,它在不同的報價中表現得很好… 為您擁有的殺手名稱擠壓頁面重複您的公式.

眼下, 我知道這看起來很明顯. 但想想你作為網路行銷人員的日常生活. 你沒有這個傾向嗎, 當涉及到某些事情時, to chase something new instead of keeping a process that works?

There is always the time to innovate, and of course, you should always be testing new methods of getting clients, building a targeted list, and marketing in general.

網絡營銷的秘密 - 秘密 #3  - 重複什麼工作

But once you have a site that is cranking out cash constantly, instead of changing that site, you can build one like it, target it towards another market and make the new one into your test bed.

Or maybe you have a product that used to sell like crazy, and now is not much of a producer a year later. Should you shut down the site, pull it off the market, buy some advertising?

Sure, all of those things might work and save you in the short run. You could also repeat the formula that made you money the last time with a new product line.

The next time your cash flow starts to dwindle, thinkwhat did I neglect to repeat?






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