網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #4 - 你是一個專家或營業員?

EwenChia照片 網路行銷秘訣之四:

了解優秀專家和優秀銷售人員之間的差異 – 然後複製它們!

當然, 不要抄襲別人的產品創意,在自己不是專家的時候說自己是專家. 但你要知道這一點 – 商界人士為建議支付高價, 優秀專家的幫助和產品, and consumers will fork over their hard earned dollar to a really good sales pitch for things that they don’t need all the time.

What’s the number one most purchased item in an American grocery store. Meat? Eggs? Bread?

It’s soda pop.

No one needs it, it just tastes pleasant and is marketed well. So well that even when people consciously know that it may be the number one reason for otherwise explained obesity, they won’t stop drinking it.

網絡營銷的秘密 #4  - 你是一個專家或營業員?

And look at some of the reports on Forrester Research. Some of the reports there sell for hundreds of dollarsand sometimes they’re only a few pages long!

But corporations are often run by a committee of directors. Those directors have to agree on issues for the company to make changes. Those changes have to be backed up by cold, hard data if they want the shareholders to vote their way.

Then there are medium to small companies that need information or expertise. They don’t have the time to go look online for free informationthey want it all in once place, and the things they need to know, they need to be able to verify with testing data, and get that done now.

Where do you fit in?






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