網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #8 - 了解哪些秘密銷售

EwenChia照片 網路行銷秘訣八:



當秘密非常有效時, 獨特的, 或與其他人的做法有足夠的不同,可以成為您自己的品牌.

舉個例子, 市場上有數百本有關 RSS 和部落格的電子書. 然而, they continue to sell. If you want to set yourself apart from the competition, say something different about blogging and RSS.網絡營銷的秘密 - 秘密 #8  - 了解哪些秘密銷售

Or say the same thing, but better. Or make it easier to understand. Or show how it can be changed to make more money. Give more detail. Illustrate a faster way.

Add your own special twist, with enough detail to make it the best resource of its kind.

Just don’t put TOO much detail in it, because a huge resource can be daunting. If you have more than 100 pages, or five videos, or ten audios, you’re probably looking at a back end product. Split the introduction part out as the front-end, and sell the rest to your confirmed client list as an upgrade.

When is a secret too good to sell? That’s the next secret up for discussion.






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