Online Marketing saladused – Saladus #24 - Ehitada nimekirja Retseptid

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing Secret arv 24:

Keeda kõik jaguneb retsept.

See ei ole lihtsalt, et soovite automatiseerida protsesse säästa aega ja suurendada oma kasumit. (Me räägime, et järgmisel aastal.) Sa tahad olla kindel, et te automatiseerimine õige asi, ja et see on kõige tõhusam protsess.

Jooksul oma aega ettevõtjana, you’ll find that you’ll learn how to do certain tasks rapidly, and figure out how to do certain things better and better.Online Marketing Secret #24 - Ehitada nimekirja Retseptid

Whether it’s figuring out how to get better placement in the search engines, or how to deal with the influx of email, once you have it mastered, record the steps to your process for later use.

This way, if you can later

  • Profit on that information as a product,
  • Refer to it when starting a new business from scratch.
  • Use it as a blueprint to train an assistant or consulting clients, it will be easy to repeat or mass produce, without any of the mistakes from the first time around.





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