WAKE UP CALL (Tajna Making Real Money Online)

EwenChiaPhoto Sretan 2015! Želeći najbolje za tebe i tvoju porodicu ove godine.

Također sam mislio da ću napisati ovaj post za vas tako da možete uspjeti online sigurno…

Zapravo, ako postupi po informacija ovdje, Uspjet ćete.

Vidite, here’s the reality and this will probably hit a few hot buttons

Uz ogroman broj diffferent poslovnih modela, methods and products available online today to help you start an internet business and hopefully make money online

Ja ću biti izgubljen mnogi od vas, ako sam tek počinju od nule!


Ja vidim poentu.

To nije nimalo lako.

Znaš šta?

It’s time for a huge WAKE UP CALL!

Zašto? Jer osim iz smjera trebate i mnogo izbora ste da, Ogroman uzrok neuspjeha ima sve veze sa…

SVOJU STAV, Način razmišljanja I AKCIJA.


Značenje, vas. Da, vi i samo vi, su odgovorni za svoje uspjeh ili neuspjeh, Nije bilo ko drugi, ne ja, ih ne, ali ti.

Kao da ili ne – the truth can hurt. Ovo će ubosti ali je potrebno da se kaže, posebno u ovom trenutku.

Zapamtiti (a ja ne nužno odnosi na nikoga posebno, ali)…

Gubitnici se žale, kukaju i krive druge. Pobjednici samo učiniti sve što je potrebno za uspjeh, sa NO izgovora.

Sada prije nego što odete viče na mene, dozvolite mi da objasnim…

Većina ljudi ne misle i učiniti ono što je potrebno. Previše je težak posao.

Šta? Razmislite i učiniti? Šta je ono??

Razmišljajući o svom planu i ciljevima – i djeluju na njih da ih Real.

Pogledajte svoje opcije i odlučiti vaš put.

Then write out your PLAN and goals and apply them.

To je sve što je bitno.

Bez plan i ciljeve za vožnju, motivirati sebe i postupi po, Nema proizvoda može vam pomoći.

To ne mora biti 500 stranica poslovnog plana, samo nešto jednostavno reći sebi ono što želite postići u određenom vremenskom periodu.

Predlažem vam da pročitate moju knjigu “Make Millions Online” odmah ako imate još nisu.

Stvarno pročitati, uzeti bilješke i razmislite o tome.

Evo zašto…

To će vam dati pravac i plan.

Uz prednosti neopreznosti i iskustva (nakon što je proveo 17 godine online i izradu milione dolara za Real) dozvolite mi da vam kažem ono što radi za mene…

Moj najveći uspjeh dolazi iz…


To je smiješno, ponekad kada ga reći kao da je, mnogi ljudi još uvijek ne “dobiti” i dalje juri sjajna objektima svugdje.

Ili se žale da ne mogu učiniti, jer im nedostaje vještina i znanja.

Idi vještina i znanja onda!

Ko te sprečava?


Slušati, dozvolite mi da ponavljam…

Moj najveći uspjeh dolazi iz…


Get it?

All successful marketers stick by this. Nije bitno da li ste tek počeli, Razmišljate o pokretanju ili to učinili godinama…


Bilo da se radi 2015 ili izvan. Zapravo, to će biti još važnije u budućnosti.

Get it?

Get it??

Get it???

To je ono što ste vjerojatno tražili, čuo o tome, ali nije se registrujete pre nego.

Pa ne žurite, Trebalo mi je 5 godinama “dobiti” povratku onda (but now I’m providing you with an instant “short-cut” za uspjeh, govoreći ti ovo!)

Jednom sam ga, uzeo akcije i uradio ono što sam trebao, Ja sam postao mahnito uspješne!

I znaš šta?

Možeš ti to TOO!

I ohrabri i izazov da to učinite.

Dakle, da ponovim (opet), u “tajna” online izradu pravi novac, čak milione, je jednostavno…


Još jednom, pročitali moju knjigu da biste dobili potpunu sliku, postoji mnogo više objašnjenje postoji zašto to radi i kako to radi.

Sada je pitanje…

Ako želite izgraditi i unovčiti svoje liste email, Koko učiniti počnete?

Morate prvo razumjeti BIG PICTURE i ono što vam treba…

(Uostalom, Volim velike slike jer pomaže znaš šta radiš. I skovao svoj termin za to nazvao “Big Picture Marketing” :-))

Ovo je velika slika će vam pomoći da napravite i unovčiti svoje liste:

Big Picture List Building By Ewen Chia

Može potrajati odgonetnuti što je moje pisanje i crtanje nije najbolji.

Ali ovo je najjednostavniji način za to, tako da možete izgraditi svoj popis i zaraditi novac u isto vrijeme.

Evo što vam je potrebno, to je ono što ja zovem “novac-postaje” formula…


A squeeze page is simply a ONE page website whose only objective is to get prospects’ kontakt informacije ili e-mail adrese…

Držite ga jednostavno. To može biti ružna i još uvijek zaraditi milione.

Nema ometanja ili druge oglase.



Potrebno je da proda proizvod da zaradite novac, to može biti sami ili proizvod trgovca.

Da bi to jednostavno, to može biti proizvod trgovca (affiliate marketing) tako da samo treba preusmjeriti pretplatnika koji optin iz vašeg squeeze stranice na vaš affiliate link!

Možete promovirati ponudu affiliate koji vam plaća $20-$50 po prodaji, ili onaj koji ima potencijal da zaradite do $5,000 prodaje.

Što ima više smisla, posebno ako se isti napor da se promoviše ni jedan? Kao što sam rekao u svojoj knjizi, Izrada High komisija je mnogo bolja opcija, sve okolnosti jednake.


Moraš naučiti da pišu velikim, novac za izradu e-poruke koje prodaju.

Možete napisati niz njih i presave ih u svoj autoresponder kampanji, i poslati e-mail emisijama na listu pretplatnika.


Master nekoliko saobraćajnih strategija promovirati svoju squeeze stranicu…

Držite slanje saobraćaja tako da rastu vašeg liste i zaraditi novac svakodnevno!

Oh yes, vam je potrebna PROFESIONALNA autoresponder uslugu tako da možete snimiti, prodavnica, upravljanje i e-mail svojoj listi. Preporučujem Autorespond.com (to je ono što ja koristim).

Ovi 4 komponente koje vidite gore čine ono što je poznatiji kao marketinški / PRODAJA FUNNEL.

Ako ste čuli ili pročitali o tu frazu, to je ono što to znači.

Idi potrebne vještine i znanja da to sve gore navedene WELL.

Postanite MASTER na izgradnju i monetizing liste.

Postanite stručnjak u stvaranju dokazano marketing lijevaka koja hvata perspektive i pretvara ih u kupce.

Evo primjer jednog od mojih milijuna dolara marketing lijevaka:

Ewen Chia Marketing Funnel

Stvaranje takvog marketinga lijevak nije nešto većina ljudi može učiniti preko noći.

U svim iskrenost, to će vjerojatno uzeti A LOT napora, vrijeme, testiranja i iskustva – ali će se isplatiti.

Jedna opcija je da se outsource stvaranje stručnjaka, ako imate novac!

To će vas koštati najmanje realno $5,000 za custom marketing lijevak, kao što ja imam…

Ili ga možete dobiti BESPLATNO…

Imam opciju vremenski osjetljivi za vas da imate svoju potpunu i običaj marketing lijevak osmišljen, stvorio i postaviti potpuno besplatno. It’s the whole works and something you own and earn from FOR LIFE.

Možete kliknite ovdje da vidimo da li je i dalje na raspolaganju ako ste zainteresovani…

U svakom slučaju, Jednom ste savladali “tajna” Danas sam dijeli s vama, you’ll NEVER be short of money again because you can make your own money online. Ozbiljno.

I to je pravi obećanje.

Ona radi u skoro svakoj niši i poslovni model online usput.

Uostalom, možete ili ne može znati, ali jedan od mojih najpopularnijih proizvodi, “Autopilot Profits”, teaches you this “tajna” u mnogo više detalja, plus vam dati alate i još mnogo toga, including a quick 5-minute set up that you can start with immediately.

Možete pogledati ovdje.

Hope you enjoyed this post and wishing you a prosperous 2015!






  1. I have just ordered your autopilots course .I haven’t recieved it yet.

  2. Hello

    With the Copy Paste Income program, do I need a domaine name, hosting account, or a web site? Also, what about the traffic needed to generate income, am I responsible for this option? If and so, what will that cost me? Are there any other fees that need to be paid in order for this program to work? I am willing to re-invest once I am in the money, at the start, I would be working with a very, very short shoestring budget as I am living paycheck to paycheck. Vidite, there is always too much month at the end of my money.

    Thanks for your time and by the way, I missed out on the training you hosted last week, feel bad about that.

    Michael Howard

  3. bob says:

    Hey Ewen,

    My first big challenge in IM,

    I downloaded the book Make Millions Online and tried to give it away from my download page I just created, but when I download it from my download page, the book wont open. What did I do wrong. It download ok but wont open. I also tried to click on the download link but the pdf wont open from the link online either. Help me fix this please.


  4. Ewen Support Team says:

    @philip mccloskey Please contact support at support@passive.com or our helpdesk at helpdeskcom.com and show us your ClickBank receipt. Thanks.

  5. Ewen Support Team says:


    You do not need those, and we show you how you can drive traffic. Please contact us at support@passive.com or helpdeskcom.com if you have more questions. Thanks.

  6. Ewen Support Team says:

    @Bob what browser are you using? Do you have Adobe Reader? Please liaise with us at support@passive.com or helpdeskcom.com. Thanks.

  7. jonathan says:

    I am based in Nigeria and i intend to purchase your autopilot and join MOBE, will it work for me as I am based in Nigeria

  8. omparkash says:

    I have no website, and no computer ,i live in a village of India,, i have a cellfone. , plz. Tell me ,your sistem work im cellfom ,, i thanks to you for mail me , handrdous of times, but i have no money ,, thanks ,, happy new year,,
    2015 ,,for your seccess ,, omparkash

  9. Cesar Gutiérrez says:

    La información del curso es enviada en Español o en ingles ?

  10. Muhammad Rosli bin Mat Yaacob says:

    I’m interested to joint you but I don’t know how. I hope you can guide me and explain to me one by one.


    Muhammad Rosli

  11. tim says:

    am a nigerian, does this work also here.
    hw do i make purchase. my country is not listed on the billing page.
    help. help please ewen.

  12. mohd faizol bin omar says:

    Put first thing fisrt.
    I especially now start to get learning about how to make a proper list.
    But I still ambiguous and not sure what, why,where,when I can get to start with.
    Dear sifu mr ewen.
    I beg you biggest help to guide me with you way.

  13. phung hat says:

    dear Mr.Wen Chia,Thank you you,very much. % month oago ,you usully sent for me many email , I read them very carefull, I buy your ebok Pilotbut not yes distrebut for me.& 37 .last month i buy other ebook but Clickbank say that not give you reseve money I pay. I sent to you many email but you not yet anser for me . This is not corect with customer .
    Thank you your email new year .I hop new year you have new do for your job .
    Phung hat

  14. Smart says:

    Hi Ewen Happy new year.
    I want to enrol for your program called my top tire business.
    I live in Nigeria and I want to know if I can join and get everything as you have promised
    I also want to know the type of gadget, application and software that I will need so that I get them ready before the I purchase the program my top tire business.

  15. Ewen Support Team says:


    You can consider MOBE. If you have questions please contact us at support@passive.com or helpdeskcom.com. Thanks.

  16. Ewen Support Team says:

    Hi Smart

    You can consider MOBE. If you have questions please contact us at support@passive.com or helpdeskcom.com. Thanks.

  17. Ewen Support Team says:

    @Phung Hat

    Please send your ClickBank receipt to support@passive.com and we will assist you from there. Thanks.

  18. Ewen Support Team says:

    @ mohd faizol bin omar

    Hey there. Please contact us at support@passive.com or helpdeskcom.com and we’ll assist you from there.

  19. Ewen Support Team says:

    Hi @Muhammad Rosli bin Mat Yaacob

    You can follow the steps at this page to get started:

    Contact us at helpdeskcom.com or support@passive.com if you have any questions.

  20. Ewen Support Team says:


    You can consider MOBE. If you have questions please contact us at support@passive.com or helpdeskcom.com. Thanks.

  21. Ewen Support Team says:

    @omparkash Please contact support at helpdeskcom.com or support@passive.com and we’ll assist you from there. Thanks.

  22. Ewen Support Team says:

    @Cesar sorry but our resources are in English.

  23. Kingsley says:

    Hi Ewen,
    I like most of your programs and money making systems. My problem is that Nigeria (where I’m based)is not listed on your billing cart. How can we in Nigeria purchase your products because i’m particularly interested in Done-for-You-Bussiness where i get a site built for me. Is there no way you can consider including Nigeria on that list?

    Secondly, I tried reaching out to a friend in the UK to purchase it for me in my name. is it possible to do that for me. That is, i send the person cash and she gets it in my name and then I start from there. Will that be possible/allowed?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  24. 希望老师能指导一下要怎么才能在互联网上赚大钱!非常感谢

  25. Ewen Support Team says:

    您好!如果您有任何疑问请发送到support@passive.com. 谢谢!

  26. Ewen Support Team says:

    @Kingsley You can consider MOBE:


  27. You covered many reasons that most people don’t make it online. They either won’t go and gather the information required to further themselves. Or, they won’t make the critical decision, or risk that will allow them to succeed, because they are afraid and don’t have the right attitude and mindset.

    This was a really enjoyable post and I look to definitely read more.
    Job done well, Ewen.

  28. Ewen Support Team says:

    @Jonathan Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the post!

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