Online Marketing Secrets – Secret #23 - Upravljanje pričakovanj

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing Secret Število 23:

Upravljajte svoja pričakovanja, da praktično odpravili donose.

Elektronski izdelki so težje za zaščito, hitreje dostaviti, in lažje pridobivanje. Zaradi tega jih ne samo cilj goljufije, vendar je donosnost proizvodov višja kot je offline.

Online, to je veliko lažje za zgrešena možnost prelistati čez izdelek in reči “Jaz ne potrebujem” without actually applying the techniques in the manual, video, audio series or software package, thus giving in to the panic of buyer’s remorse.

Online Marketing Secret #23 - Upravljanje pričakovanj

Vendar, you may be surprised to learn that these incidents are in the tiny minority among marketers.

How do they make sure so few people return their products? It’s not just from having fantastic offers, great products, follow-up freebies, product protection or extended guarantees, though all of these surely contribute.

The best way to keep returns low is to manage expectations of your buyers. If you market expert products to beginners, you’re asking for trouble. But if you make it perfectly clear who your product is for and what they’ll be able to do with it, all you’ll have to do is live up to your claims, and you’ll end up with a very low return rate.





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