Online Marketing Secrets – Secret #28 - Ne dal vse svoje jajca v eno košaro
Online Marketing Secret Število 28:
Znameniti "ne dajo vse vaše jajca v eno košaro" pravi je res,.
Uporablja za internetno trženje, To pomeni, da ne more priti vezana na samo en način za trženje svojega poslovanja, in upam, da bi dobili zelo daleč.
True, ko boste postali zelo uspešni, lahko na koncu močno naslanja na velikem seznamu, ki ste jih zgradili, ali skupina JV partnerji.
Vendar, while you’re still moving from part-time to full time or from struggling entrepreneur to successful business owner, you want to use as many available ways to market your business as possible.
The more ways there are for people to hear about you, the more ways there are for them to hear about your competitor first.
Don’t reject new ways of gaining market share just because you don’t understand them. Learn the new trends, test them and then decide.
Don’t just use free traffic methods.
Even if they work great for you over the long-term, you can sometimes get better short term results from advertising.