Archive for the ‘Business’ 類別.

網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #7 - 了解哪些秘密告訴

在線營銷秘訣 #7  - 了解哪些秘密告訴

Online Marketing Secret Number Seven: Learn Which Secrets to Tell. The business of selling info-products is all about giving people who are hungry for information exactly what they want. The trick is: Knowing when to circulate a secret (as a freebie or introduction product) and how to get it to the most people in the least amount of time, Knowing which secret to sell (as a mid-level product or as […]



網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #6 - 利潤的秘密,你已經知道

網絡營銷的秘密 - 秘密 #6  - 利潤的秘密,你已經知道

Online Marketing Secret Number Six: If it’s a secret to someone you can profit from it! After we’ve been internet marketers for a while, we become jaded. We assume that just because we know that the results on the right hand side and top of Google are ads, everyone must know. We think that there couldn’t possibly be another person we could enlighten about making money from selling solo ads. […]



網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #5 - 你的商業模式

在線營銷秘訣 #5  - 你的商業模式

在線營銷秘訣五: 一切都與您的商業模式有關. 您可以在線賺最快的錢, 根據您自己的知識可以多快開始全職收入, 經常在服務和諮詢中. 如果您發現需要一個特定類型的服務或建議的絕望市場, 你可以賺很多錢, because as many gurus will tell […]



網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #4 - 你是一個專家或營業員?

在線營銷秘訣 #4  - 你是一個專家或營業員

Online Marketing Secret Number Four: Learn the difference between a good Expert and a good Salespersonthen copy them both! 當然, don’t go copying other people’s product ideas and saying you’re an expert when you’re not. But do know thisbusiness people pay top dollar for the advice, help and products of a good expert, and consumers will fork over their hard earned dollar to a really […]



網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #3 - 重複什麼工作

在線營銷秘訣 #3  - 重複什麼工作

Online Marketing Secret Number Three: Repeat What Works! Repeat visitors, repeat subscription payments, repeat sales, 回頭客… repeat that JV that went so well with a different offerrepeat your formula for that killer name squeeze page you had. At the moment, I know that looks obvious. But think about your day to day life as an internet marketer. Don’t you have the tendency, when it comes to certain things, […]



網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #2 – 良好的營銷VS好產品

在線營銷秘訣 #2 - 良好的營銷VS好產品

Online Marketing Secret Number Two is: Marketing matters as much, sometimes even more, than the quality of your product. In a way it’s sad but true. This is a central reason why some people are able to get away with selling okay products and making a fortune, while others can’t seem to make money even with the world’s greatest solution to a problem. If you create something people want but […]



網絡營銷的秘密 – 秘密 #1 - 更多的交通?

在線營銷秘訣 #1  - 更多的交通

歡迎! 對於下一個 30 帖子, 我會從一系列題為“在線營銷的秘密寫,“在那裡,我會跟你一些我發現在我多年的銷售網絡的關鍵秘密分享. 這些都將基於強大的常綠的營銷原則,他們將繼續為你工作多年,未來數年,你第一次讀到他們在這裡後,! We’re not going in any particular […]




I hope you had a great New Year and made some resolutions. If not, read my previous post! For all you internet marketers and list builders, here’s a NEW report just for you: Right click to download “快樂的訂戶”! It’s a follow up to my earlier reportExperiencing Online Success In 2013!” and provides some good insights into building a relationship with your list and subscribers. Hope you find it useful. 享受 […]



我最後發表…為 2012 – 歡迎 2013! :-)

I know I know! How time flies, another year is gone and a New Year is beginning. With that…   I sincerely wish you and your family a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 and best of health, wealth and happiness in ALL you do!   Have you made your RESOLUTIONS for 2013? Or do you find themuseless”… Honestly, a resolution is simply an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of your goals and what […]



另一通訊! 網上賺錢新聞

Hi guys, Just completed a new issue of the newsletter “網上賺錢新聞”! It’s a POWER-PACKED issue: Right click here to download Enjoy!



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