あなたは一日で$ 3Kを作ることができます?

ハイ, ここイーウェン嘉, そして、私はあなたに感動的な映像を表示したいです.

I use a system to promote MOBE. 私が使用して、このシステムの素晴らしいところです, あなたが販売する、独自の製品を必要としません.

My strategies follow the simple concepts of アフィリエイトマーケティング. それは基本的にあなたが他のベンダーの製品を推進していることを意味し, 誰かがあなたのリンクを介して製品を購入するたびに、あなたは委員会を作ります.

Think of it as making a sale as a result of a referral. Affiliate marketing is absolutely the best way that any newbie can make income on the internet.

Apart from that, I also have my own marketing funnel. Here is an illustration of that marketing funnel.

Ewen Chia's marketing funnel

ご覧のように, it is a simple 4 page website. It’s honestly nothing fancy if you ask me. Sometimes we want to over-complicate things when in fact, we should keep things short and simple.

I want to mention too that I invest in a lot of paid traffic. Now a lot of people may cringe at the sound of buying traffic, because they are afraid of taking the risk.

But think of it this way. You need to test your own marketing funnel first.

When you find something that works well for you, you could be making a positive return on investment. For every $1 you invest in traffic, your aim is to make at least $1 to break even.

If you make more, then that’s a profit, and you can reinvest that profit into more paid traffic. That is how you scale things up, so if you can make $1, you can scale things up to make $10, then $100, and so on, until you eventually hit your goal. In time to come, you can even make income on autopilot.

Here’s the good news. I ran many tests on my marketing funnel until it became profitable, and I’m offering a bonus package where my team will build this exact same marketing funnel for you.

Besides that, my bonus package also has a lot of other good stuff. This bonus package will not be up forever, so I suggest you head over to the BONUSES page asap.

I hope this video has inspired you. Let me leave you with a screenshot that will hopefully inspire you as well. This could very well be you in future.


Now go do it!






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