Hauv internet Marketing Secrets – Tsis pub leejtwg paub #17 – The Offline Follow-up

Ewen Chia photo Online Marketing Secret Number Seventeen:

Offline follow-up strengthens your online marketing.

Marketing is a huge part of your task as an online marketer, by definition. (We’ll go over how much in the next part of the series.) Part of the job of marketing entails making your product, services or brand stand out from the crowd.

Among the best ways to make you different is by using offline methods to follow-up with your best clients or prospects.

Once you have a repeat client, a smart way to keep them buying is to add them to a super-elite group of your client list, ones that you follow-up with in the offline world.

How can you do this?Online Marketing Secret #17 – The Offline Follow-up

You can send your elite group special offers by postcard, or send them special mailings to touch base or to get free offers. You can meet them in person at seminars in their area. Write a physical book and sell it on Amazon to reach a wider audience.

Another way to do this is to encourage them to take your materials into their offline world. Create physical product upgrades in addition to the ebooks you have online. Turn your podcast into a CD and mail them to your best customers for free.

Turn an MP3 product into a CD and sell it to this group in limited quantities. Create a special printed version of your newsletter and send it to the group of your client list that spends the most money with you.

The more a part of everyday life you are, the closer you are to becoming a household name in your market.





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