Posts tagged ‘Online Marketing Secrets

Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #20 – Απλότητα

Online Marketing Μυστικό Αριθμό 20: It doesn’t have to be brilliantin fact it’s better if it’s simple. Απλότητα, as they say, is by its own a form of brilliance. So why are you waiting around for an amazing, ground-breaking, life-changing idea, when you already have a simple idea that many hundreds of people will find useful? Some of the most best-selling products, online and off, aren’t complicated or […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #19 - Κοινωνική Απόδειξη

Online Marketing Secret #19 - Κοινωνική Απόδειξη

Online Marketing Secret Number Nineteen: Never underestimate the power of social proof. In a previous post here, I gave you a very little known marketing secret about using testimonials. Here’s a hint: If you want to know why testimonials work, study social proof. “Social proof is a psychological phenomenon in which people see others behaving in a certain way, and therefore assume that that behavior is an appropriate mode of […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #18 - Αγορά, Αγορά, Αγορά!

Online Marketing Secret Number Eighteen: The most successful marketers are always marketing. The richest marketers online are the ones who put the task of marketing above all else. Today it might be adding a new email to their autoresponder series. Tomorrow it could be participating in a webinar that puts them in front of new prospects. Sometimes it’s a month of aggressive advertising. Many days it will involve upselling their […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #17 - Το Αποσυνδεδεμένος Παρακολούθηση

Online Marketing Secret #17 - Το Αποσυνδεδεμένος Παρακολούθηση

Online Marketing Secret Number Seventeen: Offline follow-up strengthens your online marketing. Marketing is a huge part of your task as an online marketer, by definition. (We’ll go over how much in the next part of the series.) Part of the job of marketing entails making your product, services or brand stand out from the crowd. Among the best ways to make you different is by using offline methods to follow-up […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #16 - Τα πράγματα είναι απλά!

Online Marketing Secret #16 - Τα πράγματα είναι απλά

Online Marketing Secret Number Sixteen: It really is that simple! The most common mistake of beginning internet marketers isn’t a failure to invest in their business, incorrect targeting of keywords, not building a list, or anything remotely like that. The most common mistake of beginners is making things harder than they have to be. Many of the marketers who have come before have experienced certain hardships, or written guides about […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #15 - Μέγεθος Δεν πειράζει

Online Marketing Secret Number Fifteen: Size Doesn’t Matter. You can have a list of one hundred thousand and be a broke marketing failure. You can have a list of one hundred and become a millionaire from it. You could get one million visitors a month and not make a profit. You can get one thousand visitors a month and make a small fortune without any of your readers ever paying […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #14 - Έγκειται στην σπανιότητα

Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ - Μυστικό #14 - Έγκειται στην σπανιότητα

Online Marketing Secret Αριθμός Δεκατέσσερα: Όλοι δώσει μεγαλύτερη αξία σε αυτό που πιστεύουμε ότι είναι σπάνιο. Όταν το σπάνιο στοιχείο είναι εμπόρευμα, η τιμή του ανεβαίνει – και εμείς θα την πληρώσει. Η βασική οικονομική φιλοσοφία είναι ότι όταν η προσφορά είναι χαμηλή, η ζήτηση ανεβαίνει. Και όταν η ζήτηση ανεβαίνει, εσείς ως ο έμπορος μπορεί να χρεώνουν ό, τι τιμή η αγορά θα φέρει. Ακόμα καλύτερα, the supply crisis can […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #13 - Το τεράστιο και οι σπάνιοι

Online Marketing Secret #13 - Το τεράστιο και οι σπάνιοι

Online Marketing Secret Number Thirteen: At some point before you make vast amount of money online, you’ll have to change your mind about what is vast and what is scarce. Another way of saying this is that everyone wants something that is scarce more than they’d want it if it was abundant, even though, ironically, thinking of it as abundant makes it easier to get. Φυσικά, some argue that […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #12 - Επανάληψη Πελάτες

Online Marketing Secret #12 - Επανάληψη Πελάτες

Online Marketing Secret Number Twelve: Your repeat customers are the lifeblood of your business. You’ve skimmed your eyes across this secret many times and never realized it. So let me say it plainly. You don’t need 10,0000 people to buy your $10 product. You need 1000 people to buy your $10 product once, and then your $90 product, and then another $10 product, and then some of them buy a […]


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Συνδεδεμένοι Μυστικά μάρκετινγκ – Μυστικό #11 - Βρείτε το πεινασμένο

Online Marketing Secret #11 - Βρείτε το πεινασμένο

Online Marketing Secret Number Eleven: Find the Hungry and Feed Them. The internet is a vast desert with a few watering holes. Everyone is huddled around those watering holes. In the desert, people will pay to drink. They’ll do anything to have what they believe is scarce. Anywhere on this virtual earth, realfoodis also scarce. When people find this food, they can’t help but eat. They are hungry. […]


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